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Archive of Connor-Winfield's products, technologies and industry news.
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Connor-Winfield Releases New Synchronous Clock Generator for SONET/SDH/ATM Applications.
New LVDS and LVPECL Clocks with low jitter frequency range for SONET, GE, FC, G.709 and a multitude of additional applications.
Connor-Winfield's New family of 5x7 mm TCXOs and VCTCXOs are designed for use in S3 telecommunication applications.
New OCXO and VCOCXO series designed for use in applications requiring stabilities ±0.05 ppm to ±0.25 ppm.
Connor-Winfield introduces TiMax TI125 OEM surface mount GPS module for use in synchronization and timing applications.
Please contact us for more information on any of the products listed here at literature@conwin.com.