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The FT9-TFC is a highly integrated time and frequency synchronizing module designed to receive a 1PPS reference input and generate a 1PPS output and up to two single ended clock outputs phase locked and aligned to the rising edge of the 1PPS output pulse. This high precision phase and frequency synchronization solution integrates low phase noise frequency clock translation.


The EH320-TFC Series is a highly integrated time and frequency synchronizing module. This design implementation is dedicated for use in applications which specifically require locking to an incoming 1PPS reference signal. This high precision phase and frequency synchronization solution also integrates any frequency clock signal generation and frequency translation.


The EH321 Series OCXO module is a highly integrated time and frequency synchronizing solution. The design implementation is intended to support high precision clock generation where precise accuracy, high frequency stability and time synchronization is required. This OCXO module can operate with or without a 1PPS incoming signal.


The CW25-GDO-DK Series is a GPS receiver and GPS disciplined oscillator module combined. Designed specifically for time and frequency synchronization applications, this module incorporates a GPS receiver and a digital PLL circuit for disciplining the 1PPS signal derived from the receiver's GPS solution. Autonomous phase calibration capability offsets sawtooth error eliminating hanging bridge conditions.


The CW25-TIM is a GPS receiver and GPS disciplined oscillator module combined. Designed specifically for time and frequency synchronization applications, this module incorporates a GPS receiver and a digital PLL circuit for disciplining the 1PPS signal derived from the receiver's GPS solution. Autonomous phase calibration.

OH20 and OH2095 TSE

The Temperature Sense Enabled OCXO models OH20TSE and OH2095TSE are specifically designed to operate with ConnorWinfield's self-compensating ICs NS3D02 or FT3C02 and modules FT9-CC or FT9-TFC. These TSE modules contain an SC-cut ovenized crystal oscillator combined with a temperature sensor and internal EEPROM.

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